My Simple Fairy Garden from the Dollar Tree

Hi all! I have just a short and simple post for you today. This is something that’s been around for awhile, but it took me a bit to get on board. For one thing, I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on the pieces. Well, the Dollar Tree fixed that! I found the green bowl, the house and the bench at the local Dollar Tree. The plants and the mushroom (not shown here) are from the 99 Cent Store. The topiary came from Holly Lobby last year on clearance, I think it was $1.77. The piece of doorknob came from my own stash.


First I drilled holes in the bottom of the bowl so the water would drain and not sit in the bottom. After drilling the holes, I filled the bowl with potting soil and then the fun of putting the pieces in!


I added the plants, a primrose and a couple of succulents, to the back of the bowl. I also placed the mushroom in the back since it is taller.


Then I added the house, bench and topiary and finished with the doorknob in the front like a little rock for the fairy to sit on.


I hope I can find more pieces to add later. It will be fun to see what else I can find!


I will definitely be visiting the Dollar Tree more often to see if they have more pieces. Have a great week!


8 thoughts on “My Simple Fairy Garden from the Dollar Tree

  1. Mary says:

    Darling! Now I must re-do mine. Getting pieces that go well together size-wise is not simple. I need to check out local dollar stores. Thanks.


  2. Linda Abate says:

    I see all these cute little things in the craft stores, and passing them by. I love your idea and this now gives me an inspiration of making one for my deck. When you put this together, did you put any kind of a liner so that all he soil does not wash out when watered or gets rained on? I am thinking that perhaps a coconut liner would do the trick. Thanks for the inspiration. Your fairy garden is great. I know my grand children would love this.


    • homeonthecornerblog says:

      Hi Linda! Thank you so much for stopping by! I drilled holes in the bottom of the bowl for the drainage and then I just made sure I placed it in an area where the water could drip out without ruining anything. Have fun putting your own together! There are so many cute pieces to buy to make it your own.


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