Springtime Concrete Painted Planter

How is everybody holding up? Going stir crazy or getting things done around the house? I hope everybody is well. We are still doing good over here on this end!  Is it springtime in your neck of the woods? We have had some absolutely beautiful weather here! We had some much needed rain this weekend and now back to sunshine again. This type of weather makes me want to get outside and enjoy it. It also makes me want to start planting again. I love the look of freshly dug up dirt and the wonderful flowers and plants put in the ground.

I posted this several years ago and it always seems to be popular. So, I figured this would be a good project to keep you busy!

I decided to make a new small planter for my front porch. Well, actually two of them-one with my address and one with a fun graphic flower. I found these over at Lowes.com/LCI-concreteplanter. I am not affiliated with Lowes, just thought this was a fun project for spring.

I started out with 2 of the concrete blocks and a can of Rustoleum Mulitcolor Textured Spray Paint. I used a color that was very close to the color of the block. This will help seal the concrete so the other color won’t leak through when you spray your design. I first cleaned off the block with a wire bristled brush and then wiped away the dust.

Concrete painted planter

I sprayed the whole block with the spray paint. Here is the right side painted and the left is not. You can see how closely they match. Perfect!

concrete painted planter textured paint

Have you ever heard of a Xyron Sticker Maker? I use the refills for my scrapbooking. It is perfect for all the little letters I cut out on my Cricut. Just run the letters through it and then place them on your page. I thought I would give it a try for this too.I printed out the design-you could use your Cricut or find a design you like online-cut it out and then ran each piece through the Xyron.

concrete painted planter xyron

Once each piece had the sticky stuff on the back , I placed it on the concrete block.

concrete painted planter stencil

Then I spray painted over the whole thing. I painted all the sides too. I did have to keep pushing down my pieces to make sure the paint didn’t get underneath, but they did okay. I used 2 coats of paint.

concrete painted planter lagoon spray paint

On my second block, I decided to put my address numbers. I painted the whole block with the textured paint and then laid out some stenciled numbers. I covered the rest of the block with paper so the paint wouldn’t cover the rest of the block.

concrete painted planter number stencil

Then paint!

concrete painted planter numbers lagoon spray paint

I sprayed some sealer over the whole thing since it will be sitting out on my porch.

concrete painted planter flower stencil

This one looked a little plain, so I did add a blue stripe along the top and the bottom.

concrete painted planter address number

I added some succulents and placed them on my front porch. I left the plants in the pots for now, until I can figure out a way to keep the water from all draining out.

concrete painted planter front porch

concrete planter stencil succulents

concrete planter painted address

3 years later and I still have these blocks and they look great! I would love to see what designs you come up with!







Easy Easter Goody Bags to DIY

Good morning! I hope everyone is doing well. I’m not sure what our Easter is going to look like this year, but I still wanted to give my kids a little bag of goodies even though they are adults. I think they like it too! I made these cute little bags for them this year.

Items you need:

  • small paper bag
  • ribbon
  • stencil or shape to trace
  • clear cellophane
  • ribbon
  • hole punch
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • tags for names
  • candy!

Polka Dot Easter Treat Bags

I used a cookie cutter for my shape. I liked this bunny shape. I centered it where I wanted it to be on the bag and traced around it with the pencil.

Polka Dot Easter Bag bunny cookie cutter

Once I had the tracing, I carefully cut it out with my scissors.

Polka Dot Easter Bag traced bunny

I placed a piece of blue paper behind it so you could see the shape.

Polka dot Easter bag Bunny Cut out

I cut out a square of clear cellophane, large enough to cover the whole design. I taped it to the inside of the bag. This will keep the candy from falling out!

Polka Dot Easter Bag with Cellophane

I punched two holes in the top of the bag, through both sides of the bag, so I could tie the bag closed with a ribbon.

Polka Dot Easter Bag hole punch

I always give my kids a chocolate bunny, so that when in the bag first, and then I added some other smaller candies to fill the bag.

Polka Dot Easter Bag Cellophane bunny green dots

I had these circle key rings and the letters in my stash, so I joined the two together. I made a hole in the cardboard letter so I could add it to the key ring.

Polka Dot Easter Bag Monogram CharmPolka Dot Easter Bag Monogram Charm Name Tag

Once the bag was full, I tied the top closed and added the initial key ring.

Polka Dot Easter Bag Ribbon Candy

I think they turned out pretty cute! Perfect for kids, both small and grown up!

Polka Dot Easter Bag monogrammed candy bagPolka Dot Easter Bag Bunny and candyPols Dot Easter Bag 5 Gift Bags with CandyPolka Dot Easter Bag Candy and Ribbon

I know my kids will enjoy getting them as much as I enjoyed making them!

Polka Dot Easter Bag Candy chocolate bunny

This was a fun project to put together and fun to give to the kids! I hope you have a happy spring and Easter!


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