Five Easy Valentine Ideas to DIY

Good morning! This is a post from a few years ago, but I still think these are all cute projects to make for your special Valentine!

I’ve enjoyed seeing some of the Valentine ideas I have been seeing, so I thought I would share a few of my own. I am even adding a new DIY for you!

  1. Valentine Gum and Candy Basket

Get your Valentine’s favorite gum and candy and put it all together in this cute little basket! Add some pretty ribbon as an accent.

silver gum and candy valentine box

2. Valentine Pixie Stix and Flower Vase

Here is another candy idea, but with flowers! It’s a great way to up-cycle a tin can too! This would make a great teacher gift!

valentine mantel pixie stix flower vase 2016

3. Faux Flower Heart for Valentine’s

Here is another project with flowers, this time shaping them into a heart! Of course, you could use any color you want!


4. I Love You Wooden Blocks

This is a little simple project to decorate your home for Valentine’s Day! You could use blocks and letters to spell out whatever you want.

wooden blocks i love you pink heart

5. Stamped Heart Treat Bag

Here is another sweet idea to make for your Valentine! You could fill the little bag with stickers, jewelry or candy!

I started with a plain muslin bag, pink paint, heart shaped cookie cutter and foam dauber. I wanted to use a rubber stamp, but I couldn’t locate one in my stash, so a cookie cutter was my next choice. It worked great! Just make sure to wash it well before you make your Valentine cookies!  🙂   I added a little bit of paint to the foam dauber and added it inside the heart. Be sure to put a piece of paper or cardboard inside the bag so the paint doesn’t go through.

pink painted stencil heart

Once the paint was dry, I got out my letter stamps and some black ink. I picked out the letters I wanted to use. I started with the word ‘love.’

pink painted hearts valentines stamps
pink painted heart bags love

I pressed the stamp into the ink pad and then pressed it onto the bag and the heart. I didn’t worry about keeping the letters straight or even. Obviously!

pink stamped heart be mine

Don’t they look cute! They are perfect for adding just a little something for your special valentine!

pink stamped bags for valentines
pink stamped valentine bags love adore
pink painted valentine bags

Aren’t these fortune cookies the cutest!! I found them at the Dollar Tree and they come with a special fortune inside. I can’t wait to see what the fortunes will be!

pink painted valentine bags fortune cookie
pink painted valentine bags i love you be mine

I hope you all have a wonderful Valentines Day! If you create one of these projects, I would love to know! Have a great week!


Dollar Tree Patriotic Basket for Your Front Door

Good morning! How are you doing today? Have stores and other places started opening up in your area? We were able to travel out of town this weekend! This was the first time since the beginning of March, so we were more than ready to get out of town!

*We are affiliated with Dollar Tree and may receive compensation if you click on the link above at no extra cost to you!*

The basket had a couple of wooden pieces glued on. Not quite the look I was going for. 🙂 I tried to come up with a way to remove them.

So I thought I would try a blow dryer first. It did work, but it didn’t get the glue all the way off. I removed the wood pieces but ended up using the other side of the basket for the front of the basket when I hung it up.

I added some green foam into the basket to secure the flowers. I just cut it with an old knife until it fit.

Next, I cut all the flowers off the big stem until I had individual flowers. I pushed up the leaves too so they were closer to the flower.

I pushed the flower stems in the green foam at different heights and making sure that the same colors weren’t together. I even added a little pinwheel!

I wanted to add one of the wooden stars to the front of the basket so I chose the ‘God Bless America’ star. I feel like our country needs lots of blessings right now. I thought it still seemed a little plain, so I added a piece of red and white polka-dot ribbon around the top of the basket. I also added a piece of ribbon for hanging the basket. I used hot glue to attach both the ribbon and the star.

And then it was ready to hang!

It’s a little touch of the red, white and blue!

This is a quick and easy craft, but looks great and shows you are ready to celebrate our freedom and our country.

Thank you so much for coming by today! I appreciate each and every one of you! Have a happy 4th of July!

Here are a few more patriotic posts you may enjoy!

Day of the Dead Hoop Wall Hanging

Good morning! It’s October! Fall is coming quickly! I hope you have been safe and are enjoying some fall weather where you are. I think of all of you every day and pray for you and your families. I love having you come by and visit! Thank you!

I have another Day of the Dead, or Dio de la Muertos craft idea today, but this could be easily adopted to other holidays or colors. Think fall colors with pumpkins or even Christmas with ornaments. So many ideas!

I started with an embroidery hoop, chunky yarn, silk flowers and Day of the Dead sugar skulls.

I cut several pieces of each color of yarn and then started tying them on the bottom of the hoop. I folded the yarn in half and laid it over the hoop.

I took the two loose ends of the yarn, wrapped them around the back of the hoop and then thread it through the loop.

Pull the yarn tight to form the knot. Keep adding yarn for as far as you want it to go.

I added four strings of each color that I was using.

I trimmed the bottom of the yarn to make it a bit more even.

I hot glued three flowers on the hoop over the knots of yarn.

Then I took three skulls and glued them to the top of the hoop. I chose two white ones and one with color.

This is such a simple little craft! It’s perfect to add to my other Day of the Dead items- shadowbox, Ofrenda.

I have this in my entryway right now, but I will move most of it outside to my Ofrenda just before Halloween. Have you ever decorated with Day of the Dead items or put together an Ofrenda? I would love to hear about it!

Dio de la Muertos Shadowbox

Good morning! We finally had a cool off!! The smoke is disappearing, there is a small breeze and the weather is beautiful! I’m not sure how long it will last, but I will enjoy it while I can!

Have you started thinking about fall yet? I added some neutral decor, so not too fallish yet, but I couldn’t wait to make something to add to my CoCo and Dio de la Muertos Ofrenda table.

I found this small shadowbox at a local thrift store. I originally bought it for something else, but the pieces I was going to add to it were too big. So after wandering through the 99 Cent Store, I was inspired by all the Day of the Dead decor. The first step was to paint the shadowbox black. Of course, I used spray paint. 🙂

It was difficult to find items small enough to fit into the spaces, but I was able to find a couple of skeletons, cat salt and pepper shakers, and brightly colored flowers. Then I went through my scrapbooking paper to find paper for the backgrounds.

I cut out a piece of heavy weight paper to cover the heart at the top of the house. Then I covered that paper with floral and polka-dot paper.

The skeletons were actually the little solar things you put in your window and they dance, but I cut off the bottom part and then hot glued the skeletons into the top section of the house. I also added some turquoise rhinestones.

I cut the flowers off the stems and then glued them around the top edge of the house. You can see the rest of the paper that I chose for each square too. The black and white toile paper reminds me of the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland.

I had to add a dog to the box and because he was a little bit bigger he got the middle spot. I also gave him a black velvet bow.

One of the black cats was added to a spot with a pretty pink flower on its collar.

I had this paper stamped with the lock already in my stash and then added the key and the rhinestones.

I couldn’t find another small item, so I made this little sombrero out of felt, ribbon and trim.

I found the little dollhouse chair at the Dollar Store, spray-painted it black and glued the skeleton onto the seat.

I added it to the other items I already had on my entryway table. I will be sharing the the Dio de la Muertos hanging next week.

I hope I can find more shadowboxes and create different ones for holidays and seasons. I think one with pumpkins and little trucks would be so cute!

Thank you for stopping by today! Hope you have a great week!

Day of the Dead Ofrenda

Good morning! Can you believe we are already in November? Some of the days kind of drag by, but the month is gone before I know it! I have some exciting news for you! Lauren and I have joined in with 50 other bloggers with some great Christmas ideas and the series will start this Friday!! I can’t wait to see what ideas everyone has come up with. There is sure to be something for everyone! So come back on Friday for the kick-off!

Did you decorate or go trick-or-treating for Halloween? I don’t usually do too much decorating, just a few pumpkins, but this year Lauren helped me set up an Ofrenda, similar to the one from the Disney movie Coco.

We have a 99 Cent Store in our town and we found so much Day of the Dead stuff there! Now, ours is not as elaborate as Disney’s (!), but I think it turned out pretty good!


I don’t know much about this celebration, but the little bit I have learned is so interesting. I think the whole idea behind it is so cool. Remembering our relatives and our past is so important to who we are. I hope to learn more each year.


I found pictures of the Coco characters online and printed them out to place on our Ofrenda.


I love the little spirit animal! A dog, of course!


Lots of candles and flowers fill it all in.


I love the designs on the jar candles! So perfect!


Do you recognize any of the characters! Mama Coco is at the bottom of the picture.



Does your family set up an Ofrenda? I would love to know about it! Thank you so much for stopping by today! Remember, on Friday, starts Christmas!!
