Corner News-April 16, 2016

Welcome back to Corner News! This is the time we share some random pictures and news that has taken place over the last couple of weeks!

I created this a couple of days ago. You can see everything looks pretty bare around it. We have had a lot of wind lately and I hate to put too much out because it will get blown away or full of leaves and sticks! My neighbor gave me the ladder and I already had all the buckets, so I just tied them on with strips of burlap. I hope to fill them with something pretty very soon!

Corner News- Plant Ladder and Buckets-April 16, 2016

Haley and I took Rozy to the vet this past week and we passed these sheep. There was actually a whole herd of them, but these were closest to the road. Rozy wasn’t too sure about these things. Her eyes were huge, she was shaking and the fur on her back was standing up! It was pretty funny! I’m not sure what she thought the sheep were going to do? We see small herds of sheep around our parts when they are brought out to do some grazing.

Corner News- sheep-April 16, 2016

I also attended a workshop for a group of preschool teachers in our area. It is called C.A.R.E.S.-Comprehensive Approaches to Raising Educational Standards. Whew! That’s quite a title! I have been part of this for quite a few years. This workshop focused on math and I was able to get all of this stuff for free! It’s a great way to add to the classroom!

Corner News-Preschool Toys-April 16, 2016

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Sunshine and Blessings