Last Minute St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!  What a wonderful holiday where we all wear green and pinch people who aren’t wearing green.  What a great day!

What???  You didn’t realize today was St. Patrick’s Day???  Well…here are some last minute ideas that you can pull together to still celebrate with the rest of us!

-For breakfast eat green eggs and ham!  You could also have some green milk to finish off the meal.

-Now onto to what to wear.  Obviously green.  But, you could also spruce up your outfit by wearing these adorable shamrock hairbows or the headband.

St. Patricks Day Bows

-You know what else you can do?  Paint your nails super festively.  I recently painted my nails gold with gold sparkles on top to be like the pot of gold.  Of course you could do green with shamrocks, or something of the sort.

Gold Nails

-Want something fun to do?  How about some St. Patrick’s Day Mad Libs!  You can find some really cute ones by just searching for them on Google.

-And finally, what about something really sweet for desert?  How about McDonald’s Shamrock Shake?  If you like mint ice cream, then you will love this milk shake.  But it is only available through today, March 17th.  So get it today if you want it!

Shamrock Shake

I hope this helps you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.  This is something short and sweet and really easy to complete!



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